How to Trim Your Cat’s Nails

How to Trim Your Cat's Nails?

Nail treatment is an essential part of your cat's regular care. A cat needs its nails trimmed to keep them from splitting or breaking. It is productive to trim off the sharp points of your cat’s nails if the cat is prone to kneading, scratching, etc. You will find that it is very easy once you get your cat accustomed to it.

You should pick a time when your cat is feeling nice and relaxed, such as when it's just coming out of a nap, getting ready to nap, or calmly resting on its favorite surface during the day.

Don't try to trim your cat's nails right after playtime, when it’s hungry when it's restless and running around, or in an otherwise aggressive mood. Your cat will be far from receptive to you trimming its nails.

Before sitting down to cut your cat’s nails, be sure you have the right tools to do so. To trim your cat's nails, you’ll need a pair of cat nail clippers. There are several different styles of nail clippers on the market, all of which largely do the same job. The most important thing is that the clippers are sharp, so they snip straight through the claw. Using dull clippers not only makes the job longer and harder but also may end up squeezing the quick, it can be painful for your cat.

You should know where the quick is before you attempt to cut the nail. The quick look like a pinkish triangle inside the nail. You should first cut just the tip of the nails. When you get more comfortable, you can cut closer to the quick but never cut the quick, you will hurt your cat and make its nails bleed. After cutting, you can use a special treat ensures that your cat begins to associate this treat with getting its nails trimmed. Although your cat may not love the nail-trimming part, it'll want the treat afterward, so it'll be less resistant in the future.


It’ll take some time to get your cat used to her twice-monthly manicures, but once she’s comfortable with the tools and the process, it’ll become a much easier and faster routine.

Post time: Sep-22-2020